Mini Worlds

Embarking on a personal project, creating 'Mini Worlds' which involves taking real people and placing them in extraordinary situations, transforming them into unique images that bring fun, whimsical and creative concepts for your enjoyment. 

One Lump or two: I sometimes get the ideas on the spur of the moment and at other times I have to really concentrate on how I want to place my models in extraordinary scenes.  For the image above, I was in the kitchen making coffee and the idea just popped into my head.  I had the stock image of the guy I captured at a local event during his trampoline act.. The scene was set up and captured on my bedside table then the model placed into the scene using photoshop.

David and Goliath.
This is a self Portrait.  The large version of myself was captured next to my living room window and the smaller version was captured outdoors on my roof terrace.  The sky background is a stock image previously taken.

Camera Care.

Staple Excercise

Father Time.

The above 3 scenes were all shot on my workstation.  The great thing about creating these Mini Worlds, is that not much space is needed to make the background.  Most of them are shot using a 50mm lens with a wide aperture to create a sense of depth to the images.  The models are either shot on location or in a studio then they are cut from their original backgrounds and placed into the pre-shot scenes.


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